Friday, July 9, 2010

Videos to Pore Over: Jeff Scher

Filmmaker, animator and painter Jeff Scher recently released his newest video 'Summer Hours,' an effervescent and discursive music video evocative of summer memories and daydreams. He tells BRM how it all began: "I used to love the montage scenes in movies when people stopped talking and you had to communicate a certain arc of visuals in the story." At these moments, you don't need to define what is meant because as Scher says, "you feel what it means." This particular montage, 'Summer Hours,' stems out of Scher's view of past summers. He tells us:
"Vacations are the whole idea of getting away from it all, and what happens when you get away from it all is that you see it with perspective. Vacations and perspective are really interlocked. That’s why so many people get so drunk on vacation, I think."

photo courtesy of Jeff Scher

Scher shares with us his perspective on style:
"Style is that thing that attracts the mate. Style in a bluejay is really blue feathers and a loud voice, and it’s the same thing with people."

Scher's work is featured in the MoMA's permanent collection and screened at film festivals around the world. He recently created Bob Dylan's 'Little Drummer Boy' video, and Vook just released his "Best of Times," which you can access hereView 'Summer Hours' and read more from Scher about the film here. And, here is a look at one of his previous dazy, summer films, 'L'eau Life':

Major thanks to Mr. Scher for sharing his exclusive thoughts and art with Back Row Mafia.

1 comment:

  1. In short: Fabulous! Thank you, BRM, for making my world a little brighter simply because it's more informed.
